Modular and customizable code for building Android products. Support is available for Material Design 3.
The latest from MDC-Android
MDC-Android Stable release 1.9.0New ways to navigate in and interact with your applications
Migrate from M2 to M3 for MDC-AndroidA technical guide for migrating your existing app to Material Design 3.
Resources & documentation
Guides, developer docs, tutorials, and more
Material Components – GithubDocumentation for all Material Components available in the MDC-Android repo on Github
ADS ‘21: What’s new in MaterialKeynote talk from Android Developer Summit 2021, covering the top Android 12 updates.
Material You: Applying dynamic color for your app or brandLearn how to apply dynamic color in this short talk from two Material experts.
Building beautiful transitions with Material MotionCodelab and video tutorial: Get step-by-step instructions for Material transition patterns.
Apply dynamic color using Material Design 3 for AndroidCodelab with step-by-step instructions for adding dynamic color features to an app.
Material Design Components - MAD SkillsYouTube playlist with step-by-step instructions for using Material Components for Android.